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We all know it's getting more and more difficult to get attention online these days. Our personal lives are bombarded with notifications from all kinds of apps, websites, blogs, and social media. So when it comes to getting attention and engagement for your business you're already at a disadvantage.

People only have so much time in the day and their friend's new baby photos are probably going to get their attention before your tour or activity brand’s latest email newsletter.

But did you know that you can use the power of photo marketing in your remarketing email strategy to drive significantly better engagement metrics? Read through to the end of this post for some astonishing stats on photo marketing email open and click rates.


How to Enhance Your Remarketing Email Strategy With Photo Marketing

Photo marketing is the process of giving away photos to all guests for free, because having all of your guests sharing their photos with their friends and family generates more revenue than selling photos to a small percentage of guests.

Providing free photos to your customers on a custom-branded webpage that can be shared with their social media followers is generally considered one of the best remarketing strategies.

With Fotaflo, photos are delivered by email and viewed online, in a way that encourages your guests to engage with your marketing content, because it's combined with personal photos of their experience at your business.


Email Vs. social media

Everyone is on social media these days, and consumers spend a ton of time scrolling through their various feeds. But you might be surprised to know that remarketing email is still the top channel when it comes to marketing return-on-investment.
"When you look at the effectiveness of email compared to social media and take a peek at the ROI of each, it’s pretty clear that email is the winner. By a lot." 1

Reach and engagement rates on social media like Facebook are actually very low. On Facebook you often reach less than 6% of your audience, and engagement rates can be as low as 0.5%! 2

"...the average return on investment (ROI) for email marketing is 122%, which is more than 4 times higher than other marketing formats including social media, direct mail, and paid search." 3

Social media is still an essential channel for marketing your business and photo marketing certainly makes use of it, but it serves a different purpose.

Social sharing of photos by your guests is how you grow your network to reach new customers, and email marketing is how you engage with your past customers.

Remarketing solutions can help you achieve both of these benefits.


Achieve significantly higher photo delivery email open and click-through rates

The first step to getting a customer to engage with your business is to get their attention, right? Well, there's no better way to get someone's attention than photos of themselves doing something awesome.

At Fotaflo we have data from years of providing a photo marketing platform to hundreds of businesses and close to a million guests of those businesses.

Our email open rates for the initial delivery of photos averages around 400%! How do you get an open rate higher than 100%? This is what happens when you send your guests their own photos: they forward the email to all their friends and family. Compare this with the average marketing email open rate of around 20%.

Click-through rates on delivering photos by email average 235%. That's not a typo. When you deliver personal photos to your guests they, and anyone they forward the email to, will click through to view the photos online. These click-through rates are off the chart compared to average rates of around 2.5%.

The benefits of sending reminder email: open and click-through rates

The stats above are for the initial delivery of photos to your guests. But that's only the beginning. With photo marketing you can turn your boring, generic marketing newsletter into a personalized remarketing email that re-uses your guests' photos.

And instead of a static, monthly newsletter you can send your guests reminders and special offers when it's most appropriate for them. With Fotaflo you can set up automatic reminders so guests get an email, with their photo memories, a set amount of time after their experience. Remind them after a month, six months, a year, whenever it's appropriate to re-engage with them.

Photo marketing reminder emails have average open rates of 130% and click-through rates of 40%.

Once again, compare this to industry average marketing email open rates of 20% and click-through rates of 2.5%.


Do you want these results for your business?

Fotaflo has pioneered photo marketing and has helped hundreds of businesses to increase revenue by driving referral and repeat bookings. Book a free 1-on-1 demo with our team today!


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