The latest update brings the streamlined user experience from our iOS app to our Android users, focusing on enhancing the interface, media handling capabilities, and overall reliability of the app.
Read MoreThe latest update brings the streamlined user experience from our iOS app to our Android users, focusing on enhancing the interface, media handling capabilities, and overall reliability of the app.
Read MoreCongratulations to AJ and Danny at Outdoor Rafting Adventures, who are the March winners of the Fotaflo Monthly Advocate Contest.
Read MoreIn the realm of guest experiences, the approach to memory-capturing can make all the difference. It's not merely about snapping photos or recording videos; it's about actively engaging with guests to create moments that resonate long after the experience ends. Let’s explore the significance of active engagement versus a passive approach in tour and activity businesses, delving into the pros and cons of each method.
Read MoreCongratulations to the Summit and Stars Staff at Hawaii Forest & Trail, who are the February winners of the Fotaflo Monthly Advocate Contest.
Read MoreIn the bustling world of tourism, operators often have their sights set on attracting visitors from far and wide, sometimes overlooking the goldmine that lies right in their local backyard. It's easy to get caught up in the allure of catering to vacationers, but what about the untapped potential of the local market?
Read MoreDiscover how our newPublic Profiles feature can enhance customer connections and improve your business's relationship with its clients.
Read MoreCongratulations to the Guide at Thunder Jet, who is the January winner of the Fotaflo Monthly Advocate Contest.
Read MoreOne of the common branding traps that tour and activity businesses fall into is marketing themselves as "once in a lifetime" experiences. While this may seem like an effective way to entice new customers, it inadvertently reinforces the 'one and done' mentality. The challenge lies in reframing this approach to recognize the worth of repeat business. Let's explore how businesses can shift their branding strategy to encourage customers to keep coming back.
Read MoreCongratulations to Campbell Cleary from Appleton Axe in Appleton, Wisconsin, who is the December winner of the Fotaflo Monthly Advocate Contest.
Read MoreTreeosix Adventure Parks, renowned for its exhilarating outdoor activities, implemented Fotaflo to enhance guest engagement and digital presence. In a bid to increase its online influence, Treeosix leveraged Fotaflo’s capabilities to connect more effectively with its guests.
Read MoreUnlock the Power of Memory Marketing. Discover the secrets to attracting more customers and driving repeat business.