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We are excited to share an exclusive opportunity for all Fotaflo clients to enhance your customer experience and measure the performance of Fotaflo to increase direct online conversions. Click below to experience Fotaflo's revolutionary new Album Widget that allows you to seamlessly direct past customers and their friends and family to your website!  Get ready to revolutionize the way you engage with your audience, increase direct web traffic and online conversions!


Introducing the Album Widget:

Increasing direct traffic and online conversions is key to long-term success.  The Album Widget enables you to send all of your past customers and their social circles directly to your own website, so you can harness the power of customer memories with our automated remarketing machine. This not only enhances your brand's visibility but also allows for a seamless transition between their memories and your offerings.


Personalized and Immersive Experience:

By integrating customer memories seamlessly into your website, you can showcase your offerings and calls to action alongside their cherished moments. This feature not only helps customers envision themselves reliving those unforgettable experiences, but past customers will re-share memories months and years after their original experience, generating new referral web traffic, literally for the rest of their lives.  The Album Widget data proves that Fotaflo is the industry leaders in remarketing and the simplest tool to increase direct online conversions.


Automated Remarketing:

Recent updates to automated reminders have made it even easier to remarket to past customers using their own memories, while identifying and engaging with your top customer advocates. On average Fotaflo automated reminders perform at an industry-best 24% click rate on automated reminders driving even more repeat and referral business while fostering a sense of community with your customers, forever. 


Strengthen Customer Engagement:

By providing a direct link from your customers' shared memories to your website, customers become advocates, referring on average 1.5  new visitors directly to your website. Referral visitors are greeted by their friend or family member on your website, encouraging referral visitors to explore further and discover the full range of what you have to offer. This deepens their trust with your brand, increases the likelihood of referral and repeat visitations, and ultimately drives more online direct bookings and revenue for your business.




Fotaflo's Album Widget sets the industry standard as the best marketing investment converting memories into business growth.  Seamlessly redirecting past customers and their network to your website, these features amplify your marketing efforts, strengthen customer engagement, and set you apart from the competition. Inclusive in Fotaflo's Standard and Plus subscriptions and available to trial in Starter subscriptions, don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to take your business to new heights. 


Book a meeting today to explore this upgrade for your business.

Topics: Tips, Advocates, Memory Marketing, widget

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Unlock the Power of Memory Marketing. Discover the secrets to attracting more customers and driving repeat business.