In the world of photo marketing services it's sometimes easier to learn by seeing examples of what works best. Here is an example album we've put together for a zipline tour. There are a few important points about putting together photo albums that we want to highlight before we dive in to the examples.
Take some reservation or group photos before they get started on their activity. Preferably with their gear, but still on the ground and when they're excited about what's to come!
Take reservation or group photos once your guests are ready or are on their way to the course.
Take an individual photo of each guest during the activity. Guests want their own photos showing them doing the activity.
Take an intentional photo of each reservation during the activity. Guests also want show who they were sharing their experience with.
Take at least one intentional photo of the guests before they go on the longest zipline. Typically you take this photo while you are waiting for the previous guest.
Take an intentional action photo of the guest as they leave the platform. Instruct them to sit in their harness and look back over their shoulder. Direct them to lift their feet up and continue to look back over their shoulder for 8 seconds.
Tip: If you have a lead guide, have them demonstrate when they leave the platform.
Take a photo similar to the Zip Away photo as the guests leave on a dual zipline or take the photo before they leave.
Take a photo of the guests leaning out over the edge of the platform.
You can take photos of your guests on bridges to add more variety to your albums.
Highlight your natural or artificial structures. These photos are often taken from a distance making it easier to fit larger groups of guests.
Photo of a guest leaning out over the edge of a platform, ready to rappel or while they are part way down, but close enough you can still see their smiling face.
One photo of your choice per tour as long as it follows the 5 Foundational Priorities of Every Photo Service.
Encourage your guests to act silly. Use your natural or artificial features to stage fun and goofy photos. You can even add some props! This is one way to Improve Guest and Staff Experience with your Photo Marketing Service.
Take a surprise selfie at some point on the tour. Reinforce your relationship with your guests with a surprise photo in their album. Your guests will be delighted to see that you had fun on the tour as well.
Take a final photo after the activity. Have your guests raise their helmets in the air or cheer to capture the feeling of what they just accomplished.
We hope seeing an example of a well-designed album for a guided zipline tour will help you deliver the best photo marketing service. If you're still not sure how to choose photo locations and craft the right album please contact us. We love working with businesses to create repeatable, easy-to-operate, photo marketing services to help you grow.
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